Monthly Archives: December 2014

Six benefits of using Green power

Making a responsible choice and start consuming green power, aside of the support for the renewables, today we are sharing to any private persons, business entities and / or commercial institutions, six benefits of using green power: 1. Environmental leadership – a lot of the modern and innovative companies have decided to set up own…
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Six benefits of using Green power

Making a responsible choice and start consuming green power, aside of the support for the renewables, today we are sharing to any private persons, business entities and / or commercial institutions, six benefits of using green power: 1. Environmental leadership – a lot of the modern and innovative companies have decided to set up own goals and to commit toward a more sustainable and environmental friendly business organization. 2. Green image – by taking responsible actions and achieving the goals set under their corporate sustainable programs, many of the companies succeed to significantly improve their green image among their customers and partners. 3. Loyal fellowship – being environmental responsible any individuals or business entities, may not only become more visible, but also surround themselves with certain loyal customers, partners and investors, who may also strive toward sustainable renewable energy future. 4. Dedicated employees – the green idea does not only attract people from outside the company. Very often, some of the employees will work twice as hard, just because they were inspired by the common green vision that they share with their Board of Directors. 5. Reliable supply – despite many opinions on that topic, there are certain cases, where local, on-site renewable generation can be far more secure and reliable compared to the one distributed through the grid. Furthermore, there are some extreme cases, where the on-site renewables are the only one solution for any electricity supply at all. 6. Portfolio optimisation – due to the fact that some of the renewable sources have no fuel costs, using green power can support any power portfolio manager dealing more easily with the volatile prices of the fossil-fuel generated electricity.